Getting started with EpiStochModels

EpistochModels can be installed from source (if you clone our Github repository).

But first you must have a D compiler installed. If your operating system does not have a pre-built package:

$ curl | bash -s

Then you can build and install the Python package.

$ python build
$ python install

We will publish the package on PyPI soon so that you will be able to simply pip install it.

Using the Built-in Models

The models can be used from Python (see notebooks) or straight from D code:

 3	"name": "sir_example",
 4	"authors": [
 5		"Flávio Codeço Coelho"
 6	],
 7	"description": "Example usage of SIR model from epistochmodels",
 8	"copyright": "Copyright © 2020, Flávio Codeço Coelho",
 9	"license": "GPL-3",
10    "dependencies": {
11		"epistochmodels": "*"
12	}
15import std.datetime.stopwatch;
16import std.stdio;
17import models;
19void main(){
20    double beta = 0.7;
21    double gam = 0.3;
22    int N = 1_000_000;
23    int I0 = 10;
24    double tf = 1000;
25    auto sw = StopWatch(;
26    auto model = new SIR(N, beta, gam);
27    model.initialize(N-I0, I0, 0);
28    sw.start();
29    auto sim =, tf);
30    sw.stop();
31    writeln("Time of the SIR run with N=1000000: ", sw.peek());
32    writefln("Number of steps: %s", sim[0].length);

The D code above can be run with the following command:

$ dub run --build=release --single sir_example.d

Implementing your own CTMC models

If you are willing to write D code, EpiStochModels also provides a class to simulate any CTMC model you want, as long as you provide it with a transition matrix and propensity functions.

The code below is the implementation of a SIRD model.

int[][] tmat = [[-1,1,0,0],
double[string] pars = [
    "beta": 0.3,
    "gam": 0.05,
    "mu": 0.01
alias double delegate(int[], double[string]) dy;
dy[] props = [
    (v,p)=> p["beta"]*v[0]*v[1]/sum(v[0..$-1]), // infection
    (v,p)=> p["gam"]*v[1], // recovery
    (v,p)=> p["mu"]*v[1] // death
CTMC model = new CTMC(tmat, props);
auto res =, 1000);